Walpurgis night pictures

On April 30 every year, we celebrate Walpurgis night in Sweden. It is an old celebration going back to the Middle Ages. The customs of Walpurgis originate partly from Sweden and partly from Germany. The Germans used to light fires at Walpurgis night to keep witches away. This custom then came to Sweden and was mixed with the Swedish custom to light fires this time of year to keep predatory animals away from the livestock. 

Nowadays, this custom is a way to welcome spring. We celebrate with fires, fireworks, choirs singing and speeches.  

Here are some pictures from this celebration: 

The choir

A men's choir

The torchlight procession

The lighting of the fire

The fire

The fire (another picture)

People watching the fire

Another fire

The fireworks

More fireworks

And more fireworks

And even more fireworks

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